标题: 《Alternate Martians 》作者:- A. Bertram Chandler【EPUB】 [打印本页]

作者: zaq    时间: 2013-3-28 09:27
标题: 《Alternate Martians 》作者:- A. Bertram Chandler【EPUB】
THE WORLDS OF THE DREAMERS When Mariner IV radioed back the vision of Mars as a planet pocked withcraters and unlikely to harbor life of any advanced sort some newspaperswondered how science-fiction writers would take this. But characteristic oftheir limitless imaginations they always come up with an answer. A. Bertram Chandler presents a particularly challenging response. If Mars isindeed barren what are we to say of the wonderfully lifelike Mars worlds ofH. G. Wells Edgar Rice Burroughs Otis Adclbert Kline and so many others.They are too real to be lostl They must exist somewhere And so Chandlersends his space expedition to that barren and lifeless Mars to find THEALTERNATE MARTIANS. Its a science-fiction adventure packed with action and filled with someunexpected Red Planet surprises Turn this book over for second complete novel A. BERTRAM CHANDLER who is both a Fellow of the British InterplanetarySociety and the Chief Officer of an Australian coastal steamer writes ofhimself: quotI have always been an avid reader of science-fiction and have alwayswanted to write. Until in possession of my Masters Certificate I always feltthat my spare time should be devoted to study rather than to writing. Myfirst visit to New York was after the entry of the U.S. into the war. Shortlyafter having passed for Master I had no excuse for not writing and Ibecame a regular contributor to the magazines in the field. quotAfter the war I continued writing but dropped out after promotion

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